LeagueLeader Report - Location Stats Report for PLAB24 - Alcester Beresford PS24
Music Service (SD)
1701 W. Legion Dr.
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Location Stats Report for PLAB24 - Alcester Beresford PS24

Report Date: 4/11/2024 8:44 AM

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

Team Games Wins Losses
Division: A
Quality Mrs 28 22 6
Eight0085 28 17 11
The Dartlings 28 15 13
Ribbon Sisters 28 13 15
Throwing Peneeners 28 10 18
Darty Pants 28 7 21

Last Match Results

Team Against Date Week Games Wins Losses Forfeits
Quality Mrs Eight0085 4/10/2024 4 7 6 1 0
Throwing Peneeners Darty Pants 4/10/2024 4 7 4 3 0
The Dartlings Ribbon Sisters 4/10/2024 4 7 4 3 0
Darty Pants Throwing Peneeners 4/10/2024 4 7 3 4 0
Ribbon Sisters The Dartlings 4/10/2024 4 7 3 4 0
Eight0085 Quality Mrs 4/10/2024 4 7 1 6 0

Most Improved Players for week 4, All X01 games:

Player Team Previous PPD PPD PPD Improvement
Kristi Vos Ribbon Sisters 19.30 23.65 4.35
Lisa Hodgson Ribbon Sisters 12.46 13.80 1.34
Penny Landsdowne Throwing Peneeners 14.38 15.36 0.98
Roxy Davis Quality Mrs 18.97 19.44 0.47

All X01 games, sorted by Team + PPD:

Player PPD Games Wins Hats HTon LTon HstTon HstOut
Darty Pants
Lori Stancer 15.23 28 5 0 0 10 121 47
Heather Ivarsen 14.37 21 1 0 0 6 119 50
Katie Larson 13.51 7 1 0 0 1 119 22
Team Totals: 14.69 56 7 0 0 17 121 50
Courtney Counterman 17.02 28 12 1 0 13 150 75
Olivia Johnson 15.75 28 5 0 0 11 133 49
Team Totals: 16.38 56 17 1 0 24 150 75
Quality Mrs
Roxy Davis 19.09 28 18 2 0 29 150 81
Natalie Board 14.84 28 4 1 0 10 150 28
Team Totals: 16.96 56 22 3 0 39 150 81
Ribbon Sisters
Kristi Vos 20.26 28 13 6 0 34 150 120
Johnna Phillippe 14.56 7 0 0 0 4 112 0
Lisa Hodgson 12.87 21 0 0 0 4 114 0
Team Totals: 16.74 56 13 6 0 42 150 120
The Dartlings
Jill Boden 18.28 7 3 0 0 5 118 42
Victoria Thormodsgaard 16.62 28 9 1 0 14 150 55
Katy Kirkebak 14.58 21 3 0 0 6 122 67
Team Totals: 15.99 56 15 1 0 25 150 67
Throwing Peneeners
Brittany Merriman 16.48 28 6 1 0 19 150 100
Penny Landsdowne 14.65 28 4 0 0 7 142 15
Team Totals: 15.55 56 10 1 0 26 150 100

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